I’m a sucker for a nice safety razor, especially one that completely redefines the category. The Leaf is one of those razors. For as long as I can remember, the classic safety razor has come in 2 flavors, both of which has the blade perpendicular to the stem, or handle. The blade is secured by […]
This is a tongue-in-cheek post, but still portrays my thoughts. I did my yearly Ash Wednesday duty and received the ashes. But as always, I leave feeling just a little bit dirty. Not because of having ashes on my forehead, although that should qualify, but because it appears we are doing the exact opposite of […]
We made the jump and bought ourselves a house. A couple weeks ago Carol and I went out to look at some houses. Not to buy just yet, but to get a feel for the market; see how much houses were going for, what the floor plans looked like, etc. We ended up looking at […]
Posted on November 5, 2008, 5:29 pm, by Walt, under
Hey! It’s my anniversary today! That’s right. Mine. And maybe Carol’s. Fine. Happy Anniversary Carol. For realz. Love ya babe!