Posts Tagged ‘entertainment’

RIP Jerry Springer

RIP Jerry Springer.

2 Kindle or Not…

Amazon released their 2nd iteration of their self-proclaimed popular eBook reader. I say self-proclaimed because I have yet to see anyone using one. When Apple pronounced their iPods as popular, you could see everyone and their brother with some white earbuds dangling from their heads. I’m still waiting to see someone outside the tech-writing industry […]

What’s that song?

Ever hear a song on TV while watching your favorite show, and wondered just what that song was that you were listening to? Enter heard on tv. Simply go to your favorite show, and see a list of most of the music that was played, along with where to get it, including iTunes link. You […]

Monday night TV

This is turning out to be a pretty decent TV season. Plenty for me to watch and enjoy. Monday nights brings me three shows: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, followed by Heroes, followed by My Own Worst Enemy. All great shows. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s list of shows I’m watching.