Posted on April 10, 2024, 6:58 am, by Walt, under
Reading another book by Jeff Strand is always a pleasure and will certainly interrupt the old “To Be Read” queue like no other. Well, like no others. Plural. King. Konrath. Strand. Crouch. These are my favorite authors and will always take precedence. Strand’s latest tale weaves together feels of the classic Devil Doll (1964), Amelia […]
Posted on July 19, 2023, 7:39 am, by Walt, under
What the Fuck was That? By Bridgett Nelson – a collection of 3 short-ish stories guaranteed to help keep you awake at night. Especially while camping. Alone. In the dark. Short review and more info at the link.
I’m not the fastest reader, but I chug along reading every night before bed. The latest finished novel comes from Matt Rayner, Echoes of Home. Reading took me from May 5 – May 23 at my usual intended 15-20 minutes per night but being the page-turner it was, on a couple occasions, had me pushing […]
Posted on February 11, 2023, 11:19 am, by Walt, under
5 out of 5 stars Strand at the top of his game! Sit in, buckle up, and grab that “Oh crap” bar, because baby, this is gonna throw you around! Fast paced and hard to put down. This book had me sneaking in small reads here and there throughout the day when I normally don’t […]