Posts Tagged ‘iTunes’

ITunes Love

ITunes Love Yeah, I know it ain’t called iTunes anymore. You’ll just have to get over me calling it that. Old habits die hard, and that one is not dying at all in my vocabulary. Been reading a lot of iTunes hate recently and I’m sure for good reason. I guess I just don’t use […]

What triggers a bill close with iTunes?

I don’t really know what triggers iTunes to close out a bill before it charges me. Does it wait a week? I have bought songs and rentals where I was charged that same night. Other times, like this week, iTunes takes its sweet time. Monday I bought Monster Pinball for iPhone. Tuesday was a song. […]

The Heyday of the Album

YML quotes the Financial Times story about Apple and the big record labels working together to bring back the days when we actually bought albums. Money quote: “It’s all about re-creating the heyday of the album when you would sit around with your friends looking at the artwork, while you listened to the music,” said […]

What’s that song?

Ever hear a song on TV while watching your favorite show, and wondered just what that song was that you were listening to? Enter heard on tv. Simply go to your favorite show, and see a list of most of the music that was played, along with where to get it, including iTunes link. You […]

Microsoft releases iPhone app prior to Windows Mobile

Say it aint so! CNET is reporting that Microsoft has released an application called Seadragon Mobile for the iPhone; before they even release it for their own mobile operating system for their favorite smartphones. Weird huh? I’d give an iTunes link, but why would you want to install something Microsoft on a platform that is […]