OK… So I said I’d let you know what was going on, and here it is. I was waiting to post anything about it here until after my son arrived for the year – I wanted it to be a surprise; and it was. The big secret is my new 2008 Harley-Davidson Sportster Custom. What […]
Have you heard about many of our bees just up and disappearing? They simply vanish, threatening many of our crops. And honey. And ice cream. Perhaps here’s about 60,000 of them? Speaking of ice cream, I have to doubt the intentions of any man driving an ice cream truck around children who refers to himself […]
Man. Has it been that long since I’ve posted here? Guess so. Couple of months anyways eh? Oh well… Been having too much fun I guess. Between then and now I’ve come up with some things to post, but after I wrote them I failed to find the motivation or time to actually post the […]