Archive for the ‘Alt Sunday School’ Category

Alt Sunday School: I, The Lord Your God , Make the Deaf, Mute, and Blind.

Wow. There’s a lot to unpack in Exodus 4. Today I’ll cover the first half. This is the part of Moses’ story where the Judeo-Christian God (henceforth, just God) is telling him to go to Egypt and demand that they let his people go. Remember, they are slaves at this point; to the Egyptians. God […]

Alt Sunday School: How David Married Michal, or How to be an Overachiever

I’m opening a new category of post here. Alt Sunday School (ASS). Wherein I write an expose on one of the lesser publicized bible stories. This is one of my favorite Sunday School stories. Taught me to be an overachiever. I Samuel 18:25-27 Then Saul said, “Thus shall you say to David, ‘The king desires […]