Posted on October 23, 2008, 8:59 pm, by Walt, under
Continuing this week’s theme about the TV shows I’m watching this season, Wednesday brings me Pushing Daisies at 7PM, then Sons of Anarchy at 11PM. I don’t stay awake to watch Sons of Anarchy though. I let the cable box record it and I watch it on Thursday nights.
Posted on October 22, 2008, 7:57 am, by Walt, under
Tuesday night is chock full of excellent entertainment. Not as much as Monday night, but two great shows. First, it’s House at 7, followed by Fringe. Both on Fox.
This is turning out to be a pretty decent TV season. Plenty for me to watch and enjoy. Monday nights brings me three shows: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, followed by Heroes, followed by My Own Worst Enemy. All great shows. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s list of shows I’m watching.
Posted on October 17, 2008, 5:14 pm, by Walt, under
Success! The folks from ecto came through with providing me a copy of my license, and with a day to spare before the trial expired. I was also given a reasonable explanation for the delay in response as well. Kudos to the new owners of ecto. Thanks guys. [Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]
Posted on October 12, 2008, 11:30 pm, by Walt, under
Test posting from Macjournal . I’ve been waiting to hear back from the owners of ecto regarding my software license. They replied pretty quickly to my first email, saying that yes, they did have records from the previous owners, and would look up my record to let me know my forgotten serial number. That was […]