Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

The Anti-Robinhood

You know, where you rob from the poor to give to the rich? Sounds like I’m talking about our tax system, but no. My wife, Carol, chose the education sector as her 2nd career. First high school and now elementary (Grade 2). Either way, It’s one of the few jobs that does not follow the […]

Millennials are Running the DMV

I went to renew the tags on my Softail the other day… Apparently, millennials are in charge over there.


Stingerless honey bees that produce their honey from the flesh of corpses.

Living With Your Ex AND Mother

Imagine living out the pandemic with your mother and your ex? I can’t even begin to imagine what kind of fucked up world that could be. Through a series of unfortunate events, that’s exactly what happened to this guy. He made it work and found time to make jokes about it. An entertaining read to […]