Snuggling the Grotesque by Jeff Strand – 4/5
Never one to come up short in the mini-story department, Jeff Strand delivers in spades in his latest collection of short stories, Snuggling the Grotesque. Anyone who subscribes to his newsletter will be familiar with his ability to write a short story based on anything, but I’d call those shortER stories, or maybe micro-stories. This collection contains 26 of what you and I would refer to as short stories as only Strand can do with his unholy alliance of horror, thriller, and slapstick comedy.
I’m not a big fan of short stories, hence my 4-star rating. It has to be at least a novella to get 5 stars out of me. The fact I’m even reading a collection of short stories from someone shows you how much in high regard I hold this author.
Ranging from body swapping to chocolate gone evil; trying to get a vampire to bite you to being bit by a mummy; ghetto blasters to fearing the Y2Kbug. Just the grand finale of Mac and Millie, a collaboration between Strand and Bridgett Nelson, is worth the price of admission. There’s something here for everyone. Available from the usual stores and even signed copies from his website.