Back To My Green Coffee Subscription

Green, raw coffee beans

Last year, about July, I received a replacement credit card. My green coffee bean subscription was on that card. I attempted to change it but they told me there was no way to change it. Rather, I’d have to cancel and start a new one with the new credentials.

I cancelled. But when it came time to start a new one I just bought 20 pounds of a single bean instead. That lasted for several months and I then I repeated by buying yet another 20 pound bag of a single bean. I did miss the rotation of origins and the surprise of what beans I’d be getting every month.

This month I started the subscription back up. 4 new, unknown beans a month. A pound each. This month’s subscription just arrived and I’m all giddy inside.

May 2024 brings me, in layman’s terms, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Costa Rica. For the coffee savvy lot of you, here are the exact lots: Guatemala Michicoy Finca Rosma Lot 2, Ethiopia Hambela Benti Nenka, Rwanda Milles Collines Peaberry, and Costa Rica Red Honey Don Oscar.