Posted on March 6, 2023, 7:02 pm, by Walt, under
ITunes Love Yeah, I know it ain’t called iTunes anymore. You’ll just have to get over me calling it that. Old habits die hard, and that one is not dying at all in my vocabulary. Been reading a lot of iTunes hate recently and I’m sure for good reason. I guess I just don’t use […]
Posted on July 27, 2009, 9:21 am, by Walt, under
YML quotes the Financial Times story about Apple and the big record labels working together to bring back the days when we actually bought albums. Money quote: “It’s all about re-creating the heyday of the album when you would sit around with your friends looking at the artwork, while you listened to the music,” said […]
Five more years, that is. The Copyright Royalty Board voted to keep the current rates in place for another 5 years. The news agencies are happy that the iTunes Store won’t be closing. I wish they would have raised the rate, just to show the world that iTunes wouldn’t have closed. Come on folks, iTunes […]
Say it aint so. The last living major holdout for the iTunes store has given in according to the latest New Music Tuesday email I received from iTunes: “Radiohead make their iTunes debut with In Rainbows, one of the most talked about and celebrated albums of the past year. A concise blend of technology and […]